Your gift could help change eternity.

Rocky Mountain Honors Camp operates as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. With the help of generous donors, campers from all over the Rocky Mountain region are able to attend RMHC at a cost considerably less than traditional weeklong camps. Due to dramatically increasing costs we have had to increase camper fees this year. And, so your contributions will help greatly this year in helping us to continue to hold camper fees down. The camp experience helps them learn and grow in their walk with Christ while enabling them to make lifelong friends.

See how Rocky Mountain Honors Camp is already making a difference:

"On Friday night... I made the decision to give my life to Jesus Christ...At camp, I finally understood the deepest love, the purest hope, the greatest peace there is on this earth, a peace only found in Christ." - Kathleen, camper

"What a privilege to once again have the opportunity to [work with] the amazing young men in my cabin, to challenge them in their walk with Christ and be challenged in my own walk by their response." - Zach, Counselor

"Rocky Mountain Honors Camp was amazing!! It was awesome getting to spend time with friends and playing games. But above all spending time with the Lord and learning more about who He was and talking to Him was by far the best part." - Rohan, camper

"Rocky Mountain Honors Camp will always have a special place in my heart! God has redeemed me and I no longer live in bondage of my sin. God is beautiful. And I will never forget all the memories that were made here over the past 6 years!" - Victoria, camper

Your gift can help make an eternal impact by allowing us to reach more campers for Christ.


Click Here to Donate to RMHC